Aladdin Keeps a Fresh Eye on Catering

Source: Fitzpatrick, Tara. “Keeping a fresh eye on catering.” Food Management, 4 September 2019,

Mastering catering’s ever-changing checklist: It’s time to tune up menu items, reconsider serving styles, set the scene for each event and learn a few mind tricks for dealing with catering clients!   At Morris College in Sumter, S.C., Cassandra Garner and her team are planning for a back-to-school open house in the main dining hall with a Low Country shrimp boil, another instance of providing a sense of place! Read more here!

And, at a recent college president inauguration event at Morris College, the catering team made use of pineapple tops in the design, a symbol of hospitality, perhaps an important touchstone to keep in mind when dealing with catering customers.

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